
Aesthetics and Ethics – is it a paradigm shift?


The lecture of Professor Professor Raj Raja Rayan OBE at 2nd International Online Symposium of  Knightsbridge Academy Dubai.

10th September 2021, Friday
Online, Zoom


Aesthetics and Ethics – is it a paradigm shift?

Which dentists does not perform cosmetic dentistry? So why is there so much advertisement for the obvious. Is it purely for a commercial advantage and does this place the dentist ‘at risk’ to overperform? Will that lead to litigation and is this a subject that is now a minefield with changing case law? In all this, has the dentists sacrificed gnathological principles on the alter of aesthetics? Have cosmetic dentists ‘missed the point’? 

This lecture will question what cosmetic dentistry is, what materials are available to deliver this and their advantages and disadvantages. More importantly, it will seek to investigate whether function and dysfunction have been sacrificed to the commercial hype and finally it will discuss the changing legal backdrop which gives a new meaning to what informed understood consent may mean.

To be informed about the upcoming symposiums, please register at, free of charge.

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