Professor Ziad Al Ani's lecture at 2nd International Online Symposium of Knightsbridge Academy Dubai.
10th September 2021, Friday
Online, Zoom
Occlusal Considerations in Anterior Restorations
When examining patient’s static occlusion, the freedom in centric occlusion (long centric) should be examined and noted. Occlusal trauma may result from anterior restorations placed on teeth which have no freedom in centric. The lecture will highlight the importance of examining freedom in centric before commencing anterior restorations.
Occasionally, fremitus of the upper incisors can indicate an anterior thrust associated with deflective RCP-ICP Slide, hence the importance of assessing RCP-ICP slides in patients before commencing any restorative treatment. Finding CR and assessing the RCP-ICP slide will be discussed in some detail in this interactive lecture.
Ideally, satisfactory guidance should be copied into the definitive restorations. This can be achieved by several methods which will be also discussed. Also, the importance of using a facebow record and semi-adjustable articulators when planning anterior restorations will also be highlighted in this lecture.
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